Baby Massage Workshop in Markham

Our Caregiver + Baby Massage Program is a 4-part series. This Program is created to teach caregivers infant massage techniques. Each session is 45 minutes.

Session 1: UPPER EXTREMITY (hands, arms and shoulders)

Learn basic massage terminology and techniques that will be used throughout the series. Upper extremity massage will help promote blood and nerve flow and minimize growing pains. Each class will focus on non-verbal contact cues and bonding.

Session 2: CHEST and ABDOMEN

This session will focus on aiding digestion and help alleviate congestion from a cold or respiratory infection. Learn specific movement patterns to focus on and what areas to avoid when massaging little ones.

​Session 3: LOWER EXTREMITY (feet, legs, hips and pelvis)

The techniques taught in this class will promote improved motor function, joint stability, and muscle tone. This session is helpful to remember when your little one transitions to walking.

​Session 4:  HEAD, NECK and FACE

Children and babies that receive massage in these areas often experience benefits such as improved latching for breast feeding, improved speech, and weight gain. Children who sustained medical intervention during birth such as forceps, vacuum, pro-longed or stalled labour or C-section sustain significant forces to the head and neck and can benefit from regular massage in this region.

Group Infant Massage Class Schedule – BOOK NOW

Class Length: 45 minutes

Cost: $160 +HST

~Cost includes 4 classes, massage lubricant + helpful print resources

Private Infant Massage Sessions also available here.