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As new postpartum products are coming to the market Padsicles might be becoming a thing of the past…

Now sure what a padiscle is?

Padiscles are pads covered in healing remedies such as witch hazel, aleo, lavender and many other options you can find on your google search. The reason they are called padiscles is because people will make their pads, package them back up and place them in the freezer. This way it creates a cooling sensation for your postpartum periniem and healing. But the work of creating the padiscles might be a thing of the past now that perineal sprays are made available.

Earth Mama creates a perineal spray that has a nozzle that can be held upside down (for spraying ease). This spray creates a cooling sensation and many mom blogs have sworn by this Earth Mama product. Not sure you’re ready to spray this on after a sitz bath? No problem, many mom blogs have sprayed their pads too.